A- A A+
Annual target of the Scheme (Man-days) 449808

Cumulative man-days provided at the end of the previous month 226943

Number of man-days provided in the current month 7980

Jal Jeevan Mission
Annual target of the Scheme 63

Cumulative Physical Progress at the end of the previous month 7

Physical progress in the current month 0

National Health Mission
Annual target of the Scheme 0

Cumulative expenditure incurred at the end of the previous month 0

Expenditure incurred in the current month 0

Number of Projects undertaken in the month 0

Soil Health Card
Annual Target 5972

Cumulative Physical Progress at the end of the previous month 2938

Physical progress in the current month 345

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Yojna
CM Arogya Arunachal Yojna
Annual target of the Scheme

Cumulative Physical Progress at the end of the previous month 3733

Physical progress in the current month 10

Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)- Collection/ Disposal of garbage/ Solid Waste
Blue Revolution
Rashtirya Krishi Vikas Yojna
Annual Target 34776960

Cumulative Physical Progress at the end of the previous month 8

Physical progress in the current month 0